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Five Misconceptions you Probably Believed about Texas Holdem

At the highest level, Texas Holdem is a game of mathematical skill, intense deliberation and expert psychology. Novice and amateur level players often have many misconceptions about what it takes to take the game on a professional level. We’ll cover

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Sen. Reid Dealing a Bad Flop on Internet Texas Holdem Regulation?

During the 2014 election year, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid [D-NV] was labeled one of the favorite politicians of the US internet poker community. He and Sen. Jon Kyl [R-AZ] undertook the task of scripting a bill to regulate online

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On Monday, the owners of a new subscription poker site,, announced the long-awaited launch into beta testing mode. According to the press release, the online poker room offers an innovative experience that far surpasses that of traditionally pretentious free-to-play

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